Best CBD & Delta 8 Products Seller in Atlanta, Georgia | ATLRx

Why Delta-8 Gummies Might Hit You Differently

Table of Contents: What are Delta-8 Gummies? Delta-8 Gummies contain Delta-8 THC, a cannabinoid found in cannabis and hemp plants. To create Delta-8 gummies, manufacturers extract Delta-8 THC from hemp […]

How is Delta 8 THC Made?

Cannabis plants naturally contain delta-8 THC, a cannabinoid found in cannabis, similar to Delta-9 THC, marijuana’s primary psychoactive compound. Delta-8 offers a more laid-back and enjoyable experience compared to Delta-9. The […]

THCV: Where is it Legal? State-by-State List

THCV is a unique cannabinoid with some complicated legal regulations. Like most cannabinoids in the US, the laws surrounding THCV are quite confusing, leaving people in the dark about what’s […]

How to Use Delta 8 Distillate

Delta-8 distillate is one of the most unique cannabis products on the market, and its versatility is unmatched. This is a type of product that so many people can utilize—and […]

THCV vs. Delta-9 THC: What’s the Difference?

They may both have “THC” in the name, but THCV and delta-9 THC have distinct differences that every user should be aware of. When you understand how these cannabinoids contrast, […]

What Does Delta-8 Do to the Body?

Delta-8 THC is a unique cannabinoid that people are becoming more and more interested in every day. As a compound that’s quite accessible across the country, its popularity is exploding […]