
March 14, 2023

Spliff Vs. Joint Vs Blunt: What’s the Difference?

Are you new to cannabis? The terminology is probably something you want to learn.

We will contrast the similarities, benefits, and drawbacks of joints (only cannabis) with spliffs in order to help you grasp the distinctions (between tobacco and cannabis). Spliffs and joints are easily the oldest way people have been using cannabis. These two methods are probably the most popular as well, from the early 70s til now.

Additionally, you can learn how to roll joints and spliffs as well as what effects to anticipate.

Table of Contents:

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding Cannabis Forms: The article helps newcomers differentiate between joints and spliffs by discussing their compositions and the historical context of their usage, providing a solid foundation for understanding these popular forms of cannabis usage.
  • Cultural and Social Implications: The post delves into the social and cultural significance of joints and spliffs, highlighting their role in social settings and historical movements, enriching the reader’s appreciation of their impact beyond just Usage.
  • Considerations and Preferences: It contrasts the implications and user experiences between joints and spliffs, allowing readers to make informed decisions based on personal lifestyle considerations and desired effects.

What Is A Joint?

A traditional joint is a cannabis or marijuana flower that has been ground up and rolled in cigarette paper. You can customize the internal content to your needs since there are no additives. Some like to utilize hemp flowers in place of kief or concentrate, which is something that many people like to add to their pre-rolls.

In the United States, joints are the most common type of roll. They can be lit up everywhere you’re allowed because they are portable (which pretty much means at home). In states where marijuana and cannabis are legal many people enjoy them in outdoor settings like concerts and festivals. Joints have been “ice breakers” at gatherings for a long time. The common “hey you want to step out for joint?” has been said many times during parties and other social events. Typically, a joint is the same size as a cigarette.

What Is A Joint Made Out Of?

A joint is a basically a roll comprised of the following parts:

1. Cannabis: Hemp (Delta 8 flower) or Marijuana, It’s Your Choice

Only the best-quality, ground Delta 8 flower or marijuana buds are used to roll joints. You can select any strain or combine a few, then roll them yourself (if you have the experience to make them compact).

You can purchase a machine or attempt to do it by hand if you’re a newbie, but don’t expect to get it properly the first time. But persevere because practice makes perfect.

2. Rolling Paper

The rolling paper commonly referred to as “blank,” “cigarette paper,” or “joint paper,” is the second component of a joint. This paper can be created from wood pulp, rice straw, flax, or hemp and is often very thin.

Plant fibers, as opposed to wood fibers, are typically used to make rolling papers since they tend to burn more slowly and make smoking easier.

After the plant’s fibers have been removed, they are pressed and turned into paper. The paper’s color, flavor, and burn rate are then “perfected” using chemicals including calcium carbonate, bleach, and dyes.

The dimensions and thicknesses of rolling paper vary. It can be big, small, medium, thin, ultra-thin, wide, and king-size. It typically ranges in length from 70 to 110 mm.

Modern rolling papers can be found in a variety of hues, including gold, polka dots, and clear, as opposed to traditional white or light tan. It also comes in distinctive tastes, such as blueberry, grape, pineapple, and many others, that heighten the pungency of a strain. There are hundreds of different brands and types of rolling papers in today’s market to choose from. We at ATLRx prefer the Raw Hemp rolling papers.

3. Crutch

A crutch, often referred to as a “joint tip,” “filter,” or “mouthpiece,” is frequently an extra part of a joint. In order to offer stability and prevent burns, it is placed at the drawing end of the roll, allowing you to use the joint all the way through. A crutch is different from a cotton cigarette filter in that it can be constructed of paper, wood, glass, and ceramic.

Both the terms “filter” and “crutch” relate to the substantial piece of paper that is attached to the end of the roll.

However, a crutch’s purpose is to keep the user from getting cannabis plant material in their mouth and to avoid burns. They can be made of various materials.

What Is A Spliff?

Although a spliff resembles a joint perfectly, it differs from a joint in that it also contains tobacco. Spliffs resemble hand-rolled cigarettes in both size and shape.

When there is a dearth of high-quality cannabis and the user wants their stash to last longer, they often manufacture spiffs. Many individuals enjoy the flavor of cannabis and tobacco combined, although this mixture is frequently employed to cover over the taste of subpar cannabis.

Did you know that the French adjective joindre, which means “joined,” is where the term joint gets its name? However, the name “spliff,” which simply refers to a marijuana cigarette devoid of tobacco, is said to have originated in Jamaica and the West Indies. It expanded to the United Kingdom and all of Europe, where the term usually typically denotes that it includes tobacco.

On the other side of the planet, the working class in central America started smoking hand-rolled cigarettes that included cannabis and tobacco. The Mexican song “La Cucaracha” is where the slang term “roach” acquired its name.

Later in the 1920s, New Orleans musicians started going on tour with the infamous “jazz cigarettes” that became well-known in speakeasy culture during the Prohibition era. Additionally, using a joint came to represent a nonviolent, non-violent protest against a corrupt system in the 1960s anti-war counterculture.

A spliff experience nowadays is totally subjective and up to you.

What Makes Up A Spliff?

A spliff consists of only a couple of the following:

1. Cannabis or Delta 8 Flower & Tobacco

The majority of spliffs don’t contain more than 50% tobacco, although users can change the marijuana/tobacco ratio to their personal preferences.

2. Rolling Paper

A spliff appears to be quite similar to a joint from the outside. They are rolled in the same cigarette or joint-rolling paper. You cannot distinguish a spliff from a joint merely by looking at them; the difference is in the substance.

As was already said, rolling papers are typically white or light tan in color, but as the industry grows, more elaborate color combinations may become available.

Since the length of the rolling paper closely correlates to the size of the spliff, the majority are around three inches long. Some joints are thinner than usual, but the majority are around the same thickness.

It can be challenging to tell a joint from a spliff unless the rolling paper is transparent and the tobacco can be seen.

Your spliff experience depends on the paper you select. Generally speaking, thicker papers burn more slowly than thinner ones, which can affect flavor because you might taste the paper more.

3. Crutch

A spliff can also be made without the crutch. This addition is constructed from ceramic, wood, silicone, glass, or a durable piece of paper. With spliffs, the crutch vs. filter argument is a little bit different.

The substantial piece of cotton attached to the end of a cigarette that removes contaminants from the smoke is known as a filter. The majority of users dislike using filters on joints, but because spliffs contain tobacco, they might.

Joint Vs. Spliff: Comparing the Aroma

Even though they have a similar appearance, joints and spliffs taste very differently.

Since a joint is made entirely of cannabis, you can smell the strain inside in its pure, unaltered form. Even rosin can be applied to your joints. You will smell the strain in all of its completeness if the rolling paper has no flavor.

Since it contains tobacco, a spliff probably smells more like a cigarette than a joint.

Because a blunt is wrapped into a cigar, the smell of a spliff is remarkably similar to that of a blunt. But because they contain more tobacco, spliffs produce a more energizing experience.

Pros & Cons of a Joint

A joint has many advantages, which we’ll examine next.


  • Simpleness of preparation They’re relatively simple to roll once you get the hang of it (with or without a crutch), which is very helpful when you’re in a hurry and need a fast puff.
  • Because of their compact size, they are simple to travel and store; you can fit a large number of them in a cigarette box.
  • They are highly customizable, so if you want more of a kick, you can add additional kief or other concentrates without changing the aroma. If you want a clean experience, a joint is a good option, especially when you use your preferred strain.
  • You can purchase a variety of pre-rolls for ease and instant use.
  • Easy to light up.
  • Very portable.
  • Not very time-using.


There are also some drawbacks. Here are a couple of cons.

  • Fast-burning joints can make them less enjoyable.
  • Uneven burning occurs in joints. You might need to frequently relight it if rolled too loosely or tightly.
  • Can be very fragile and can be crushed easily if sat on or bent.
  • The smell is very obvious and being discreet is not really an option when using joints.
  • Difficult to roll unless you purchase pre-rolls.

Pros & Cons of a Spliff

The pros and cons of spliffs will next be discussed, despite the fact that they are comparable to joints.


See if the benefits exceed the drawbacks for you.

  • Spliffs provide a far smoother, interruption-free experience than joints since they burn more slowly and consistently. Tobacco offers stability and lowers the risk of burning.
  • Spliffs are more covert since the tobacco covers up the smell of the marijuana.
  • Joints don’t have the same sensation that spiffs have. In addition to the THC in marijuana, nicotine from tobacco also gives off a buzz. But if you want a more potent high, go for joints rather than spliffs. While joints have more cannabis than spliffs do, they don’t have the same energizing effect. If you like to chill or want a more intense psychoactive experience, joints are your go-to.
  • Joints are great for hemp flower and cannabis purest.
  • Easy to light up.
  • Very portable.
  • Not very time using.


Spliffs’ major drawback frequently causes people to dislike or not prefer them.

  • Nicotine, a recognized carcinogen, is found in spliffs.
  • Additionally, research indicates that users who combine cigarettes and cannabis are more likely to develop dependence.
  • Depending on preference most people tend to prefer pure cannabis without tobacco.

How to Roll the Perfect Joint

Unless you’re a natural and understand it straight away, we won’t guarantee that it’ll be simple. This is almost like origami but for cannabis. People even say that rolling the perfect joint is like an art. However, even if it’s challenging, there is a way to achieve it.

  1. Grind your cannabis without making it turn to powder. Preferably you want it to be like tiny bread crumbs in size.
  2. To prevent the joint from sagging, get a crutch or a rolling filter ready. Take a little piece of cardboard and roll it into a tube to do this.
  3. At the very end of the rolling paper or its glue strip, place the crutch.
  4. In a line, tap the ground cannabis onto the rolling paper. You should leave around half an inch of paper on the filter’s opposite end so you can close it properly.
  5. Not too firmly, but tightly enough, roll it. Attempt to achieve this while maintaining the filter’s location. You don’t want it to be so tight that the grounded flower becomes a solid piece. It needs to be tight but still has some airflow.
  6. You want to twist the end to keep all the flower in the joint or spliff so nothing falls out.
  7. Bonus: if you want an extra punch to your joint you can add kief, wax, oils, or concentrate like shatter and dabs.

How To Roll A Spliff

Spliff rolling is the same as joint rolling. You’ll also need to ground the tobacco in addition of the cannabis.

When you’re rolling your spliff, you can choose the ratio of tobacco and cannabis. Perhaps you prefer a 50:50 mixture of tobacco and cannabis or a little cannabis with heaps of tobacco.

Because nicotine keeps the spliff tight, you can use a filter at the end in place of a crutch. You can still make a spliff by mixing it with kief, wax, or oil.

Joint Vs. Spliff: Which to Choose?

In actuality, neither choice is intrinsically “better” than the other; it all depends on the individual and their personal preference.

Because joints are made entirely of cannabis, there is no need to worry about nicotine. Spliffs, however, provide a distinct, energizing feeling that a joint cannot and an extra head buzz.

The best course of action is to buy a premium, pre-rolled version of each, test them both, and decide which you like most. The only way to know which one you will like more is to is try them for yourself.

What Is A Blunt?

A roll of marijuana wrapped like a cigar or blunt is known as a blunt. These wraps are constructed of tobacco, which gives your cannabis high more vigor and buzz. They typically last much longer and are larger than joints and spliffs.

Blunt wraps are frequently offered in 1- and 2-packs at the corner or grocery stores. They frequently have flavors. A cigar can also be cut open, its contents removed, and the wrapping used to make a blunt. For blunts, cigarillos like Swisher Sweets, Phillies, or Dark & Milds work well.

How To Roll A Blunt

  1. You can either use a blunt wrap or a cigar.
  2. Cut down the blunt or cigar and empty out the tobacco.
  3. Make sure the blunt or cigar is not stale and that it still retains some moisture or flexibility.
  4. Make sure the ground flower is spread out evenly.
  5. Wrap the leaf tightly around the flower before rolling it up.
  6. Roll the blunt up and seal the blunt with a bit of saliva, making sure you get the whole seal. Roll it tight but not too tight to maintain airflow
  7. Light it up and enjoy!

Pros And Cons Of Blunts

Blunts have devoted followers. Some people just use blunts while others reserve them for special events.


  • Easily portable 
  • Lighting up is very easy
  • Great for sharing with friends and numerous people.
  • The tobacco wrap provides a buzz
  • Blunt wraps or cigars come in a variety of sizes and flavors.
  • Looks like a regular cigar when rolled to perfection. 
  • Easy to be discreet.
  • Slow burn and can last longer than joints or spliffs.


  • Your health could be harmed by tobacco use.
  • You lose the taste of the flower by the tobacco.
  • Some prefer the pure aromas of the flower and the blunt sometimes overpowers the scents.
  • Rolling a blunt can be difficult if you are new to using them.
  • Blunts last a long time and burn slower than joints or spliffs.

Where To Get The Best Pre-Rolls & Delta 8 Flower

At ATLRx we have the best pre-rolled Delta 8 online. We also carry premium Delta 8 flower from the best hemp growers in the United States. All organically grown and third-party lab tested for purity, quality, pesticides, solvents, and any other contaminants. You will have a variety of strains to choose from when you shop online at ATLRx. Each Delta 8 flower strain with its own unique aroma profile with a range of terpenes. Not only do you get the best Delta 8 flower at ATLRx but we have a variety of different Delta 8 products like Delta 8 tinctures, Delta 8 gummies, and concentrates.


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